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petra amtsberg hoffmann | pah

respectively: flourishing explosions, baroque energizer, emotional color diver, power paintress.

Petra Amtsberg Hoffman has an exquisite sense for the extraordinary in her painting.
She makes the seemingly incidental, that which other artists either do not depict or tone down for the background, the main protagonist of her works.
She focuses her pictorial content on everything that is normally the accessory of a picture.
With a peculiar and at the same time fascinating effect on the viewer.
For the viewer searches in the usual manner for the central point, the focus, the protagonist of a picture and does not find it here.

Totally wrong!
Anthropologically speaking, this is against human nature.
Focus, capture and shoot the game :-).
But that doesn’t work here.
In the works of Amtsberg Hoffmann, much more causal factors come into play.
Unconscious orientation, which arises when the brain stores incidental impressions.
In this way, smells, colors, incidence of light and shapes become orientation patterns or mind patterns that are always “ready to hand” in the mind set.
And it is precisely these orientation patterns from the sideshows of life that are so fascinating in the works of Petra Amtsberg Hoffmann.

Artist petra amtsberg hoffmann

  • Internationally successful
  • Traded internationally

Exhibition 13-10-2022 Munich, ArtSpace GroupShow

Publications respektive: flourishing explosions, baroque energizer, emotional color diver, power paintress…”, 2022. 163 ONE SIX THREE | art in print Verlag

Petra Amtsberg Hioffmann in her studio in Munich during the interview; 2022.
Photo by Carsten lehmann ; © konsum163

master of the sideshow

The artist manages to make the patterns of her secondary scenes real.
She articulates and manifests scenes in such a way that you are left standing in front of them in amazement, searching for the whys and wherefores until you find a reference in your own life.
This search, along with her furious painting technique, is what makes her works so unique.
And she is in good company.
“… what we miss when we concentrate on what immediately jumps out at us.” said Peter Doig in an interview about his painting style.
In order to fully experience the fluidity of Petra Amtsberg Hoffman’s cosmos, one aspect is essential: allowing your own feelings.
Otherwise you might not understand her paintings.

Petra Amtsberg Hoffman in the garden of Riemerling Studios with “Poppies On Fresh White”; 2020.
Photo by PAH ; © konsum163

"You have to turn the inside out!

petra amtsberg hoffmann

Petra Amtsberg Hoffmann masterfully employs a brilliant spectrum of painting and drawing techniques to adequately realize her extraordinary conception of themes.
She references and borrows from the Baroque as well as from abstract expressionism, color field painting and contemporary art.
At the same time, her themes do not leave out any orientation pattern, – From kitschy romanticism à la “Flourishing Explosions” to a powerful cyclone of colour, everything is represented in her paintings.
Norbert Bisky, her teacher at the summer academy founded by Oskar Kokoschka in Salzburg, said of her art: “With calm and a sure instinct, Amtsberg finds her way to powerful compositions … Her energetic paintings … master the balancing act of colors and forms in an impressive way.”

Poppies On Fresh White, 160 x 200 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022.
© konsum163

A real PAH! moment, a PAH original is created when the artist manages to turn her innermost self inside out and creates these wonderful mind patterns as works of art for us by means of her painterly gestures and compositional power.

carsten lehmann, curator

Poppies On Fresh White (detail).
© konsum163

mind pattern

my place

in the studio


exhibitions and vita

2022 New Yorg Gallery , Group Show, Belgium Art Gräfelfing, Art Fair, Germany World Art Forum, Cairo , Egypt  

2021 Benefit Auction ” Hospiz am Rennweg” ,Sotherby’s & Rotary Club, Vienna, Austria Symposium Atelier an der Donau, Group Show, Austria  

2019 Open Studios Riemerling, Studioexhibition, Germany “The Hub” , Artfair, Munich, Germany “Stir it Up”, Group Show, Galerie Elsa, Bielefeld  

2018 “The Riot of Colour”, Orangerie, Solo Show, Munich “Show Up”, Galerie Hoppe, Group Show, Braunschweig Art Muc, Art Fair, Munich  

2017 “Das kleine Format”, Galerie Freiraum, Group Show, Munich “Wait and See”, solo exhibitions, Gräfelfing “Close Up”, Group Show, Osnabrück “Open Studios Riemerling”, Group Show, Munich  

2016 “What I am looking for”, Galerie Freiraum Munich, Solo Exibition, Munich “Pop Up ” Group Show, Class Norbert Bisky, Munich  

2015 “Inside /Outside”, Bürgerhaus Gräfelfing, Solo Show “Blätter Lüften”, Group Show, Hohenbrunn “Pop Up”, Schillerpallais, Group Show, Berlin  

2014 “Salon Irkutzk”, Group Show, Siberia Kunstkreis Gräfelfing, Munich

Petra Amtsberg Hoffmann studied interior design in Rosenheim with a stay abroad in Tokyo/Japan and founded an architecture firm together with her husband in 1988.
She continues to develop her painting skills through several courses of study and participation in summer academies in Neuburg/Danube, Munich, Hamburg and Salzburg, among others.
She has been a member of the BBK since 2016 and takes part in national and international exhibitions.
Her participation in the WORLD ART FORUM in Cairo in 2022 is just one example of this.
Petra Amtsberg Hoffmann is internationally recognized.   2021 Atelier an der Donau Symposium 2020 Atelier an der Donau 2018 Summer Academy Salzburg /Till Megerle 2016 Pentiment /Hamburg / Bisky / Koelbl 2015 Foundation Riemerling Studios 2014 Summer Academy Salzburg/ Norbert Bisky 2011 Artdidakta / Innsbruck 2010 Summer Academy Neuburg /Prof Christian Frosch 2008 Künstlerhaus München /Lithographie 2005 Atelierprojekt München 2000 Workshops / Seminars in the field of painting, printing, drawing 1987 Foundation ABHA Architekturbüro 1986 Dipl.Ing.
Interior Design

Responsible i.S.d.P. and economically liable:lehmann | konsum gmbh15926 LuckauCahnsdorf 163 Managing Director: Carsten Lehmann HRB 7427 CB / VAT DE813639628
Tax no.

The place of jurisdiction is Munich

konsum163modern art gallery 15926 LuckauCahnsdorf 163 in the old Konsum 0049 / 176 4125 9443

konsum163modern art gallery 15926 LuckauCahnsdorf 163 in the old Konsum t. +49 / 176 4125 94 43 Responsible i.S.d.P. and economically liable:lehmann | konsum gmbh15926 LuckauCahnsdorf 163 Managing Director: Carsten Lehmann HRB 7427 CB / VAT DE813639628
Tax no.

Place of jurisdiction is MunichImprint and privacy policy

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