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alma goering

from the lively and delicate power of color.

It is this seemingly “compelling existence” of Alma Göring’s works that, once you have seen them, remain indelibly anchored in your own mindset.
Works that satisfy the longing for the steadfast, the tried and tested and the familiar in a time of radical technological change through artificial intelligence, but also through the global political imbalance.
Alma Göring paints modern monoliths – colorful menhirs of modern times (including The Spirit Of Nats; Mazunte; The Pissing God), which serve as places of retreat and thus redefine the archaic.
Not the archaic in the sense of art history**, but the satisfaction of the desire for the‘archaic’in us humans.
That which has been anchored in our genetics for hundreds of thousands of years and makes us human beings.
It creates modern places of worship for our innermost being.
Meditation spaces for self-discovery.
Clean sweep of the brain – resulting in an inner reorganization.

Her pictures not only contain the familiarity of the archaic, but with her wild painting gestures she also succeeds in integrating elements similar to the computer graphics of the early 1980s (including Fiesta de Bodas), which can be confidently described as computer archaic.
With her works, she manages to congenially combine the old and the new and gives a future to a new and, above all, necessary archaism. “the necessarity of a future archaics*.” Her tool is first and foremost color.
She masters its logic, properties and power like no other.
With an unerring sense of structure and gesture, both in large format and on small PaperWorks, she creates out- standing compositions on the painting surface.
The artist, who belongs to abstract expressionism in the broadest sense, occasionally makes an excursion into the figurative spectrum of art and borrows from the “young savages” in her painting and also develops a “cave drawing 2.0 style” in her sketches.
In any case, it remains archetypal and extremely exciting.
** Classical Archaic: epoch in the political and cultural development of ancient Greece.
(900 - 700 BC).

Artist alma goering

  • Internationally successful
  • Traded internationally

Exhibition 13-10-2022 Munich, ArtSpace GroupShow

Publications “the necessarily of a future archaic*.”, 2022. 163 ONE SIX THREE | art in print Verlag

Alma Göring: painting punk and color monolith artist.
Photo by Alma Göring ; © konsum163

i create color monoliths - large and small.

alma göring

“It took me 20 years to even begin to understand the nature of color. Today I can deal with it; but the more I paint, the more questions arise. It’s a science that you can understand rationally, but you have to internalize it. And you can only do that by painting, painting and painting again until you can’t get the paint out of your head or off your hands,” says Alma Göring with a knowing smile on her face.
Alma Göring uses color like a communication specialist.
She is aware of the mechanisms of color.
She can use it to create imaginary spaces, she knows which color dominates which, she creates dependencies and references.
She succeeds in creating both clear, clashing, cold, light purity and delicate playfulness.
She plays virtuously with borrowings from Blinki Palermo as well as Joan Mitchell and Willem de Kooning.
She masters the vibrant and delicate violence of color like few others, and in doing so she is quite unique.
Despite all her emotional colorfulness and organic gestures, one thing seems particularly remarkable: you always remain a physical spectator of her large scenes; you stand in front of them in amazement and remain fascinated at a distance.
Overwhelmed by the force of her painting.
These monoliths require distance in order to trigger the “archaic effect” in the mind, which is so infinitely beneficial.
Her smaller works behave the other way around.
Proximity is necessary here.
Here it is the materiality, the smallest nuances that matter.
Go on a journey of discovery!

Alma Göring painting in her studio; 2021.
Photo by Alma Göring ; © konsum163

The more I paint, the more questions arise.

alma göring

Fiesta de Bodas (234 x 148 cm, acrylic on canvas)2 in various hangings; 2022.
Photo by Alma Göring ; © konsum163

pure archaics.


The Spirit Of Nats, 180 x 180 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022.
© konsum163

it is this seemingly "compelling existence" of alma göring's works that, once you have seen them, remain indelibly anchored in your own mindset.

carsten lehmann, curator

The Spirit Of Nats (excerpt), 180 x 180 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022.
© konsum163

the necessarity of a future archaics.

© konsum163

in the studio


The Pissing God

124 x 150 cm, acrylic canvas, 2022

Bollywood 124 x 160 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

Fiesta de Bodas 234 x 148 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

Mazunte 170 x 195 cm , acrylic on canvas, 2022

Spirit Of Nats 180 x 180 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

TonkRoad70 x 100 cm , acrylic on cardboard, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

Don’t Worry Be Happy 70 x 100 cm, acrylic on cardboard, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

Crest Of Emotion270 x 100 cm , acrylic on cardboard, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

Crest Of Emotion370 x 100 cm , acrylic on cardboard, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

I Can Fly 9 60 x 80 cm, acrylic on paper, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

I Can Fly 5 60 x 80 cm, acrylic on paper, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

I Can Fly 4 60 x 80 cm, acrylic on paper, framed with acrylic glass, 2020

Dimming Of TheDay100 x 100 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

River100 x 100 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

MiAmado76 x 163 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

DonPedro47 x 175 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

Lupita 80 x 85 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

DonPedro47 x 175 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2022

*The prices shown here are gross prices, including the statutory VAT for the seller’s country (Germany) plus shipping and packaging costs.

exhibitions and bio

2022 Solo exhibition Colour Journey, Galerie L’Art Pour LAHR Residence Oaxaca, Mexico Joint exhibition New Women Artists, IBC Überlingen, Gunzoburg Joint International Exhibition Like a slight hickup, La Grange Gallery, Reims  

2021 Joint exhibition New Works, IBC Überlingen, Fauler Pelz Annual exhibition Artists’ Guild Donaueschingen e.V. Joint exhibition VBKW, Erstklassik, Sigmaringen Joint exhibition Nature Abstract, Städtische Galerie; Löffingen  

2019 Joint exhibition SkateArt, Hofgartensaal, Kempten Joint exhibition Galerie Gunzoburg, Überlingen International artists’ symposium: Ybbs a. d. Donau, Austria Solo exhibition The language of color, Galerie Scheytt, Munich Joint exhibition VBKW, Städtische Galerie Isny Joint exhibition One thousand colors, Friedrichshafen Galerie Plattform 3/3  

2018 Juried joint exhibition Selfie, GEDOK Freiburg  

2017 Annual exhibition Künstlergilde Donaueschingen e.V., juried guest exhibitor Juried joint exhibition Selfie, GEDOK Berlin Solo exhibition Conversations, Uhldingen-Mühlhofen Joint exhibition Annual exhibition Meersburg VBKW  

2016 Solo exhibition 2016 Painting, Oberteuringen  

2015 Joint exhibitionDebut GEDOK, Freiburg  

201 Solo exhibition Come along, Friedrichshafen, Galerie Plattform 3/3  

2013 Juried exhibition Zwischen-Räume, Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Karlsruhe  

2012 Solo exhibition Impulse-abstract painting, Freiburg Solo exhibition Zeitreisen, Baden-Baden Solo exhibition Paso Doble, Freiburg Solo exhibition Intuitionen in Farbe, Freiburg

Alma Göring is self-taught, lives on Lake Constance and runs her studio there.
She has a special relationship with the country of Mexico and regularly spends painting residencies there.
Her works are traded internationally from Asia to America and Europe and are represented in collections.

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